
Short Bio

Born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama, Adrienne Gaines has had a lifelong love of photography, especially from an artistic perspective.  She is self taught, and her subject matter is inspiration driven - when the spark happens, so does the photo.  After working in higher education for almost two decades, she has begun to share this joy in photography with a wider audience.


Through my art medium, photography, I find inspiration in the world around me whether I am in my backyard or traveling throughout the southeast.  When I feel that inspiration strike, my photography choices lean from typical landscape to perspectives not usually noticed in the regular day.  If the photograph brings me joy, then it becomes my art piece.  In opening myself up through this expression of art, I have found additional meaning in sharing what I do.  Hearing how others connect with my pieces has meant the world to me.  There are stories to tell, and I am ever so blessed when one of my pieces inspires someone else to share.